"Hi, thanks for adding me to the group. I started 16:8 fasting. Does this look like a good eating plan? This is what I'm eating: 1200 pm - protein shake 12:30 pm - gigantic salad with chicken or fish 3:00 pm - light snack of Greek yogurt 6:00 pm - dinner, another gigantic salad with chicken or fish I see some form of this post in the Facebook group (Fierce Fit Fearless 2.0) just about once a week. There is no cut-and-dry answer to this. Without knowing some key pieces of information, there is no way to answer this question. How old are you? How tall are you? How much do you currently weigh? What do you think is a realistic goal weight for you? What are your goals - Fat loss? Muscle gain? body re-composition? Other? What is your BMR? TDEE ? Tell me about your fitness program - do you lift? What do you do, how much of it do you do and how often do you do it? Answer these questions and then, and only then, can we can get started with your meal plan. The fir...
The blog that started the Fierce Fit Fearless Facebook revolution.